"Kaleidoscope Quartet" Snap Bush Bean Mix


55 days to maturity

40 seeds per packet

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Phaseolus vulgaris

A gorgeous multicolor mix of four bush bean varieties: Roma II (green), Capitano (yellow), Red Swan (red) and Sequoia (purple). All four varieties are quick to mature with heavy yields, great flavor and a lot of attractive, diverse colors. Stunning display at market and at the homestead table. Enjoy this wonderful bean medley!

Growing Instructions:

Direct sow after last frost.

Plant spacing: 4” to 6” apart

Row spacing: 15” to 18” apart

Beans fix their own nitrogen so fertilizer should not be too rich or there will be too much foliage at the expense of pods. A well-balanced, well-cured compost and a sprinkle of wood-ash should be adequate. Make sure soil pH is between 5.8 and 7.0.

Harvest Instructions:

Harvest as snap beans when pods are tender before beans develop.

"Gigante Violetto" Purple Romano Snap Pole Bean
"Kali" Black Gram / Mung Bean
"Nor'easter" Green Romano Snap Pole Bean
"Jacob's Cattle" Bush Bean
"Tiger Eye" Bush Bean