"Scarlet Nantes" Carrot

from $3.95

70 days to maturity

250 or 1000 seeds per packet

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Daucus carota

Scarlet Nantes is an heirloom carrot from France that dates back to the 1850s. It is an orange carrot with sweet, crisp, fine-grained roots. Roots grow to a tapered 6 or 7 inches in length. Due to its smaller size, it grows well in all soil types including heavy soils. This is an all around perfect carrot with early maturity. A finer carrot there never was!

Growing Instructions:

Direct sow anytime from spring until mid-summer.

Make a shallow trench and sprinkle seeds approximately 1 to 2 inches apart. Lightly cover with soil and keep moist until seedlings emerge. It can take some time for carrots to germinate, be patient. 14 days is not uncommon. Warmer weather will speed up germination.

Carrots do not grow well in soil that is too high in nitrogen. Avoid planting into manure and other high nitrate fertilizers. Plant a cover crop of winter kill annual legume such as peas or chickling vetch where carrots will be planted next season. At the time of planting add compost to the bed where carrots will be. Sprinkle woodash or other trace mineral amendments at the time of planting. Carrots need lots of trace minerals to for hard roots that store well and to develop their intense flavors. Soil pH should be between 5.8 and 6.8. Direct sow anytime from 6 weeks before last frost all the way up until mid summer.


Harvest any size, from baby to full size. Full size Scarlet Nantes Carrots will be a tapered 6 to 7 inches. For storage carrots, harvest before the ground freezes.

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