"Dukat" Dill


40 days to maturity

200 seeds per packet

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Anethum graveolens

Dukat was bred in Denmark for accentuated dill flavor as well as vigor and adaptability. Dukat produces many cuttings of herbaceous frilly fronds for salad and cooking. Once you know how to use dill in the kitchen you just cant get enough. Perfect in soups, with roasted veggies and fish as well as a key ingredient in many sauces. We can’t think of a dish to Not throw a bit (or a bunch) of dill into! Our favorite green coupled with spinach and wild spring greens for a delicious Spanikopita! Dill does well planted in the cool spring as well as in late summer for fall harvests. Fall crops will bear for a long time. Frost hardy to 26 degrees F. Pollinators love dill flowers, and we do too! They are sweet and delicious— try some fresh in salads!

Growing Instructions:

Start seeds indoors in early spring and transplant out early May. Alternatively, direct sow as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Dill takes a while to germinate especially in cold soil so don’t give up.

Space plants 2-3 inches apart.

Space rows 8-10 inches apart.

Dill needs moderate fertility. Provide compost as well as a fall annual legume cover crop to fix nitrogen where the crop will be. Make sure soil pH is between 5.8 and 7.0. If plant needs a growing boost, water with nitrogen tea or compost tea a few times. If trace minerals are inadequate, sprinkle a small amount of woodash or azomite in each planting hole.

Harvest Instructions:

Harvest leaf by leaf at any stage

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