Black Seed (Kalonji)


80 days to maturity

100 seeds per packet

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Nigella sativa

Native to Southern Europe, Southwestern Asia and naturalized in many parts of northern Africa. Kalonji (as it is called in India and Pakistan) or Habbatul Baraka (The Blessed Seed in the Middle East) is a beautifully fragrant herb with a flavor reminiscent of toasted onions and a mix of cumin and oregano. It is traditionally used as both medicine and as food in rice dishes, curries, dahl and stews. It is for sure one of the tastiest and most beautiful herbs we have come across!

N. sativa has sweeping history of medicinal applications and is regarded as a cure-all and miracle herb by many traditional systems of medicine including Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani-Tibb. Modern scientific research is beginning to confirm these traditional and folk uses. Seeds have been used for their diuretic, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, anticancer, immunomodulatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, anthelmintics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, bronchodilator, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, renal protective and antioxidant properties. Used in treatment of bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, rheumatism, skin disorders, as a liver tonic, digestive, anti-diarrheal, appetite stimulant, emmenagogue, to fight parasitic infections, and to support immune system.

The dazzling flowers and their galactic seed pods are often used in flower arrangements. If you are interested in producing your own kitchen herbs you must try Black Seed. Note: This herb is also called Black Cumin, however the “real” Black Cumin is a different species altogether (Elwendia persica) and more closely resembles cumin in the shape of its seed and plant habit.

Medicinal uses of Nigella sativa listed are for informational purposes and not mean as replacement for medical assessment and care by a qualified practitioner such as an herbalist or naturopathic physician.

Sowing/Growing Information:

Start indoors 4 weeks before last frost and transplant out after last frost. Alternatively direct sow after last frost.

Space plants 8"apart.

Space rows 8" apart.

Compost and a legume cover crop is all the fertilizer Black Seed will need. Soil pH should be between 5.8 and 6.8.

Harvest Instructions:

Harvest individual pods once you see them turn from green to yellow. Place pods in a warm, dry, well ventilated space to dry. Alternatively wait until the whole plant is ripe and all pods are starting to yellow and cut the plant at it's base and hang to dry. Crush the pods beneath your feet onto a cloth. Seeds thresh easily from the broken pods. Winnow the chaff and store in glass jars in a cool dry place like a pantry.

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